Sundays are my 'Picasso' days. Good sense is slightly out of focus, slightly distorted. I don't listen to the news, read the Bible (hold the 'Gasp!' factor down...I still read it the other days), or go to church. I'm just not quite that brave on Sundays. If the current President is washing the country down the world drain I beg you not to tell me on a Sunday.

Thankfully I feel less and less like the terrified creature... I am evolving into a slightly distorted yet more contained cube of irrational fears.
Anyone else have slightly Picasso Sundays? If so please tell me how you survive the day by comment or if you've read or written an article with Sunday survival ideas please add the link in Mr. Linky. I am going to link Elizabeth Esther's post on Bible reading- good stuff. Don't forget to add a comment describing why you chose that particular post to link.
Maybe with time Picasso Sundays will become Monet or Degas Sundays filled with lightly dappled hope or the extended arm of peace.

Elizabeth Esther...thanks so much for the post about Bible reading...when something is used to beat you up it is hard to ever pick it up again...
Interesting topic.
I guess as Sundays and bible reading sometimes are for you would describe how marriage and relationship is now for me. It's a subject that makes me sad and empty, and it's a hole I'm hopelessly against trying to fill with relationship or marriage again. Both feel distinctly alien to me.
I'll just have to trust God to fill it another way. Ideally with a more intimate relationship with Him.
I understand, Lewis...hurts this deep don't heal over night. I will be praying for you...please remember me!
Loved your new post about the added on laws...
wow I know a lot of ex wofers that say the same things.....and lots of them will not go to church anymore!
@Faithpreacher...all that doom and gloom gets to you! I will never ever pick up a Jenkins/LaHaye end of the world book...
On the brighter side...so glad you and your family enjoyed your vacation!
Good analogy about Picaso..distorted views of God in most churches today...I choose to hear Him about who he is. After 15 years of spiritual abuse...we're officially done with it. Our faith is in Christ and we enjoy our freedom in this life He gave us. He enjoys watching us enjoy life. =) I read Elizabeth Esther's posts too. It's refreshing to know there are other...survivors..out there.
@sisterlisa...Thanks so much for the comment! It is great to know there are other survivors out there...love EE :)
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